


Born in Tripoli (Lybia) in 1938, Giannetto Bravi lived in Naples, where he graduated as a geologist, then in Saronno and Cislago, near Milan. He died in 2013.
Together with Pierre Restany and others, he created the “Vesuvio Initiative” at the beginning of the seventies, in Naples.
Since 1972, Bravi often made use of postcards, mailing Vesuvio’s images as testimonials of the Initiative and, later, assembling many identical items in order to produce paintings, or artist’s books, as in the 1980 exhibition at Milan's Studio Marconi, “Portrait-Self-portrait of Seven Art Critics: G. Ballo, A.B. Oliva, A. Del Guercio, G. Dorfles, F. Menna, P. Restany, L. Vergine (curated by F. Menna).
Suitcases are another frequent subject and has been showed for the first time at the exhibition “Une Perpétuelle Invitation au Voyage” (1971) at Apollinaire Centre in Milan, curated by Pierre Restany.
The most recent cycle of works is the “Quadreria”, a work in progress made of postcards portraying painting masterpieces, collected at the bookshops of the leading European art museums and exhibited at Naples' Capodimonte Museum, in 2007.

Giannetto Bravi (2019)
MA*GA, Gallarate

An anthological exhibition, curated by Emma Zanella, showing the works donated to the museum by Laura Bonato.

Directors: Liliana Carugati, Lorenzo Baldi
Photography: Liliana Carugati, Lorenzo Baldi
Editing: Lorenzo Baldi
Music: Gerhard Bickl, Sonoton
Filmed: 2019

Production standarde: shot UHD, edited HD 25p
Camera: Panasonic GH5
Lenses: Sigma 18-35 f 1.8, Sigma 50-100 f 1.8, Nikkor 50 f1.8, Panasonic 14-140 f 3.5-5.6
Supports: Vinten, iFootage motion control
Codec: .mov 150 Mbs, Protes HQ
Postproduction: Da Vinci resolve 15

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